Wednesday, January 28, 2015

What the heck is a health & life coach?!: What the heck is a health & life coach?! It would ...

What the heck is a health & life coach?!: What the heck is a health & life coach?! It would ...: W hat the heck is a health & life coach?! It would probably be easier to tell you what I don't do as opposed to all the things I ...
What the heck is a health & life coach?! It would probably be easier to tell you what I don't do as opposed to all the things I do. I often tell people that being both allows me to help with anything head to toe, inside or out.  Pretty much anything that ails you, I can work with. Health coaches are up and coming in the world. We are on a mission - to change the health of the nation. We even received congressional recognition for our own week this year! With obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and other chronic illness at a crises level (yes, this involves children) we are SO needed. Health coaches are a preventative. We are not a traditional band-aid. We work with our clients in order to help them prevent disease before it starts.  We work to get to the root of the issue and not just treat the symptoms. The US health care cost for 2014 was 3.8 Trillion with 45 Billion spent out of pocket by Americans for prescription drugs. With the rising cost of health care, insurance and prescription medications, health coaches are making great strides in reducing the numbers with preventative care.

Some of the statistics are mind boggling.  The CDC and other agencies report:
  • 35.9% of Americans are obese
  • 1 in 3 women are on a diet at any given time
  • 133 million Americans, almost 1 out of every 2 adults have at least one chronic disease
  • 1 in 8 women will develop a thyroid disorder during her lifetime (
  • 1 in 9 have celiac disease (gluten intolerance) and countless others have moderate to severe food intolerance (
  • In 2013, 43,982 deaths were attributed to drug poisoning
  • 1 out of 3 Americans will die of heart disease
  • In 2012 more than one third of children and adolescents were overweight
I find these numbers astonishing. Especially when ALL of these are preventable diseases. ALL of them.

As a health and life coach, my main objective is to not only help my clients prevent such illness, but to also live a life that is fulfilling. Who doesn't want more joy and peace in their life? I coach the total person, body, mind and spirit. I help my clients learn ways to nourish their bodies with healthy food that works with their body.  Everyone is different. There is not a one size fits all food plan.  We also find ways to move the body, ways that are fun and fit my clients lifestyle.  We work on being mindful, replacing negative thoughts with positive ones and creating the life my clients want for themselves. We also work on rejuvenating the spirit and finding those things that do bring joy and peace and reconnect my clients back to their true and magnificent nature.

This is not a job for me. This is a true passion. I LOVE what I do and being able to witness the transformation of my clients is truly remarkable. I am extremely grateful to be a health & life coach and grateful to be part of changing the health of our nation.

Debbie Fisher
Holistic Health & Life Coach